With Joshua Meservey, Robert Spencer, Gordon Chang and Kevin Freeman

JOSHUA MESERVEY, Senior Policy Analyst, Africa and the Middle East at the Heritage Foundation:

  • Why Zimbabwe President Mugabe’s time is up
  • Will the ruling party maintain its grip on the country?
  • Kenya’s history of election disputes

ROBERT SPENCER, Director of Jihad Watch, Weekly Columnist for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine:

  • Dangers of the red-green axis
  • Efforts to prevent conservative speakers from expressing views
  • Twitter’s announcement to start monitoring behavior of users
  • H.R. McMaster still refuses to name the enemy

KEVIN FREEMAN, Author of Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack (2013), Author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again (2012), Founder of Globaleconomicwarfare.com, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy:

  • The growing access of financial weapons
  • How China is leveraging its economic power to improve its defense capabilities
  • Major security consequences of internet hackings

GORDON CHANG, Forbes.com columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, The Daily Beast contributor, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World:

  • Implications of constant flow of materials to North Korea from Beijing
  • Why President Trump must put more pressure on China regarding Pyongyang relationship
  • Steve Bannon’s alleged ‘fixation’ on Chinese aggression
  • Is the Philippines heading in the right direction?
Secure Freedom Radio

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