With Stephen Blank and Admiral James ‘Ace Lyons’

STEPHEN BLANK, Senior Fellow for Russia at the American Foreign Policy Council, 26 years of experience as a Professor of National Security Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute of U.S. Army War College:

  • The true story behind Russian election interference
  • How Russia aims to undermine democracy
  • The attempt to replace the dollar as reserve currency


  • Russia’s strategic military capabilities
  • Emphasis on strengthening forces in NPR
  • How to acquire meaningful arms control reductions from Moscow

ADMIRAL JAMES ‘ACE’ LYONS, Former Commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Served as Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nationas, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations from 1983-1985:

  • Pressure in the South China Sea
  • Negative Implications of sequestration
  • How to better deter China and other US adversaries


  • How President Trump should recognize US military forces
  • Why we cannot continue to extract resources from defense/deterrent budget
  • The hypersonic weapons threat
Secure Freedom Radio

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