Now It’s Time to Fire Tillerson’s Enabler, H.R. McMaster

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President Trump channeled Ronald Reagan yesterday when he fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.  In 1982, Mr. Reagan sacked his top diplomat, Al Haig, for engaging in similarly rank and even contemptuous insubordination and serial sabotaging of the President’s policies.

In Haig’s case the last straw was his double-dealing with European allies about the Siberian gas pipeline.  For Tillerson, it reportedly was his perfidy in working with them and other nations aimed at saving the fraudulent Obamabomb nuclear deal with Iran that Mr. Trump rightly rejects.

Every president is entitled to expect and receive his subordinates’ faithful execution of his direction.  For this one to get it, he’ll also have to replace the enabler of Rex Tillerson’s insubordination, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, with someone deeply experienced, supremely competent and aligned with him and his policies.

That man is John Bolton.

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