The Public Wants – and Deserves – New Leadership in Congress NOW

Donald Trump ran for president against the political establishment in Washington.  He memorably affirmed his hostility toward “the Swamp” during his inaugural address, infuriating its denizens arrayed on the Capitol stage behind him.

The bipartisan establishment has been exacting its revenge ever since.  The Senate has badly stalled most of Mr. Trump’s nominees. His “Wall” has gone unfunded. He has been saddled with bloated spending demanded by anti-Trump partisans.  And the so-called “Deep State” has systematically impeded his policies and undermined his presidency.

So, it should come as no surprise that a recent “Ear to the Ground Poll” indicates the public is furious with the congressional leadership.  If there is any hope that Republicans will be able to run the next Congress, they must now offer new leadership aligned with, not determined to sabotage, President Trump’s efforts to make America great again.

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