Protect NATO, as well as the F-35, from Turkey, an Ally No More

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The Trump administration has rightly decided to bar the sale of America’s frontline, stealth fighter aircraft to Turkey. This action was made necessary by the Turkish government’s insistence on acquiring and deploying a Russian missile system intended to shoot down our F-35s and other warplanes.

Unfortunately, the problem is not simply that the Turks thus aligned themselves with the NATO alliance’s principal adversary – and that, by so doing, the Russians would likely learn secrets that could help them kill our pilots and defeat their missions.

In fact, this action is just the latest evidence that Turkey, under its Sharia-supremacist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an ally no more. In addition to Russia, the would-be Caliph is working closely now with China, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Consequently, we must now proceed to protect NATO more comprehensively from this turncoat inside its wire.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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