Tectonic Mideast Shifts Expose Iran’s Threat and Friends

Foreign ministers of two Persian Gulf nations have publicly expressed support for recent, defensive attacks Israel launched in Lebanon in response to threats emanating from Iran’s proxy terrorist group there, Hezbollah.

This is the latest manifestation of momentous tectonic shifts that have been taking place throughout the Mideast. They have been prompted by the rising – and increasingly existential – threat posed by Iran to many Arab states, as well as Israel and us. As a result, Israelis long reviled by virtually all Muslim nations now have powerful allies in a number of them.

Meanwhile, two ostensible U.S. “allies” – Sharia-supremacist Turkey and Qatar – are aiding and abetting Iran. So is France, which has just offered Iran’s mullahs a $15 billion credit lifeline.

President Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran must be applied as well to its new-found friends – who surely are not ours.

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