
Upcoming Events

JULY 22nd
1:00pm – 2:00pm ET 

Today’s Communist Insurrection

Featuring Christopher Holton and Diana West

Past Events

From Elections to Electrons – Cybersecurity Threats to America’s Infrastructure

July 8, 2020

  • Tommy Waller, Director of Infrastructure Protection, Center for Security Policy
  • George Cotter, Former National Security Agency Chief Information Officer (CIO)

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Israel’s Critical Moment of Decision – Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET)

July 1, 2020

  • David Wurmser, Director of the Project on Global anti-Semitism and the US-Israel Relationship joined the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) for this webinar program

The Chinese Communist Party is Our Enemy – And What We Must Do to Defeat It

July 1, 2020

  • Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China
  • Steve Bannon, Former Chief Strategist to President Trump

The Assault Against Free Speech

June 23, 2020

  • Kyle Shideler, Director for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy 
  • Dave Reaboi, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, President of Strategic Improvisation

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Strategic Minerals: Breaking the Chinese Supply Chain to Restore American Sovereignty

June 17, 2020

  • Pete Rozelle, Penn State University Center for Critical Minerals
  • Daniel McGroarty, a principal with the Carmot Strategic Group, Adjunct Professor at the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management
  • Yechezkel Moskowitz, Chief Executive Officer of Materia USA
  • Dr. J. Michael Waller, Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Exposes America’s Need for Resilient Critical Infrastructure

June 10, 2020

  • Tommy Waller, Director of Infrastructure Protection, Center for Security Policy
  • Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security

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The Threat from Antifa

June 4, 2020

  • Kyle Shideler, Director for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy 
  • Mike Waller, Director for Strategy, Center for Security Policy
  • Gabriel Nadales, Antifa member turned Conservative activist, The Leadership Institute

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The Chinese Communist Party: Our Time’s Existential Threat to Freedom?

June 3, 2020

  • Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China
  • General James L. Jones (USMC, ret.), Former National Security Advisor

North Korea: Next Steps for the Trump Administration

May 27, 2020

  • Fred Fleitz, Center for Security Policy President and CEO
  • Claudia Rosett, Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, and a former Wall Street Journal staff writer

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Why the Country Needs a Terrorism Offenders Registry

May 20, 2020

  • Terry J. Alario Jr., special agent with the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation
  • Stephen Gele, practicing lawyer from New Orleans
  • Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies
  • Kyle Shideler, Center Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism

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Why Federal Retirement Funds Should Not Fund China’s Regime

May 13, 2020

  • Roger Robinson, President and CEO of RWR Advisory Group and co-founder and chairman of the Prague Security Studies Institute
  • LTG (Ret) William G. “Jerry” Boykin, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council, Original member of the US Army’s Delta Force
  • Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman of Committee on the Present Danger: China

Nuclear Deterrence for the 21st Century

  • Fred Fleitz President, Center for Security Policy
  • Matthew Kroenig, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, The Atlantic Council
  • Michaela Dodge, Ph.D. Research Scholar, National Institute for Public Policy and Visiting Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

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Oil Price Collapse: Consequences for Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East

April 29, 2020

  • David Wurmser, Director of the Project on Global anti-Semitism and the US-Israel Relationship, Center for Security Policy
  • Kevin D. Freeman, CFA – Host, Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman (BlazeTV)

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The Chinese Communist Party’s “Knowing Responsibility” for The Wuhan Virus and Pandemic – and Their Global Consequences

April 22, 2020

  • Brian Kennedy, Chairman, the Committee on the Present Danger: China
  • Stephen Mosher, President, the Population Research Institute
  • Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman, the Committee on the Present Danger: China

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How the Chinese Regime Uses Disinformation and Propaganda to Attack the United States

April 16, 2020

  • Dr. J. Michael Waller, Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy
  • Moderator: Fred Fleitz, President and CEO, Center for Security Policy

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How Islamists Use Sharia to Prevent Assimilation and Hold American Muslims Back

April 8, 2020

  • Dalia al-Aqidi, Journalist and Commentator, Minnesota-5 GOP Congressional Candidate
  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Founder and President, American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD)
  • Moderator: Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy

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Glick and Wurmser discuss how Israel is confronting coronavirus during a political crisis

March 20, 2020

  • David Wurmser, Director of the Project on Global anti-Semitism and the US-Israel Relationship, Center for Security Policy
  • Caroline Glick, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy
  • Moderator: Fred Fleitz, President and CEO, Center for Security Policy

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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke