President Trump’s boffo two-fer on immigration

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Tucker Carlson regularly and rightly bemoans the failure of political leaders of both parties to rise to the challenges of our times. Few topics exemplify better the recklessness of Democrats and the acquiescence, if not actual complicity, of many Republicans than immigration.

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Tucker Carlson regularly and rightly bemoans the failure of political leaders of both parties to rise to the challenges of our times. Few topics exemplify better the recklessness of Democrats and the acquiescence, if not actual complicity, of many Republicans than immigration.

Yesterday, President Trump acted decisively to restrict the further mass importing of labor as 30 million Americans are out of work. He’s being criticized for doing so by members of both parties. And yet, his temporary blocking of visas for skilled and unskilled workers not only makes common sense. It enjoys broad, bipartisan support among the American people.

So does the need to secure our southern border. Mr. Trump travels to Arizona today to mark the 200th mile of new construction of his promised “wall.” Congratulations, Mr. President. Now, let’s get the rest of it done.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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