Fred Fleitz on what you need to know about Susan Rice

Center President and CEO, Fred Fleitz appeared on Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler to discuss Joe Biden’s potential Vice President pick, Susan Rice. Fleitz, who worked for the CIA for more than 15 years, had first-hand experience working with Rice.

“I provided her with intelligence, I was on a task force with her,” Fleitz said. He explained a policy Rice was behind called assertive multilateralism, which was a “plan to drastically lower the US defense budget and solve all the world’s problems with UN peacekeepers.” Fleitz said Rice “really committed to UN peacekeeping just like Madeleine Albright.”

Rice “didn’t like hearing information she disagreed with, including intelligence,” Fleitz said when asked of Rice’s reaction during intelligence briefings which Fleitz delivered to her.

With respect to Rice’s relationship with Hillary Clinton, Fleitz said she “had a terrible relationship with Hillary Clinton and people I know who worked with Rice said it was poisonous.” Fleitz concluded by warning of the freelancing that may take place by Rice under the leadership of Joe Biden is he wins the election come November.

Center for Security Policy

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