The Chinese Communist Party insists on dictating “the rules,” not complying with them

China and United States two flags textile cloth, fabric texture

China and United States flags together relations textile cloth, fabric texture

In one of the few times last night when what was supposed to be the foreign policy presidential debate actually addressed what the candidates would do about challenges overseas, former Vice President Joe Biden laid out how he would handle Communist China.

Mr. Biden repeatedly declared that he would “make China play by the international rules.” This statement calls to mind Albert Einstein who declared: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

If ever there were an example of a failed foreign policy it is the idea that, if we just “engage” with the Chinese Communists, they will behave and play by the so-called “rules.” What such engagement has actually produced is a very threatening PRC that uses its power to change those rules or contemptuously violate them.

Proven, counterproductive insanity is not an acceptable plan.   

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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