President Trump has declared that he won yesterday’s hotly contested election. He has also announced that widespread fraud has been employed to deny him victory.

While both points remain to be validated, we already know that, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, never have so many done so much to defeat one man.

If Donald Trump does in fact prevail, he will have overcome the following: systematic efforts by Democratic partisans to rig the vote; the virtually universal complicity of the so-called “mainstream media”; the active manipulation by the big social media platforms; and the direct involvement of the Chinese Communist Party and its allies, foreign and domestic – all aimed at taking down this President.

These attempts to steal the election will next be compounded by revolutionary upheavals engineered by the Black Lives Matter organization, Antifa, the Muslim Brotherhood and others.

God help us.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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