Steve Mosher: Show strength with China, not “strategic patience”

A growing fear within the Chinese Communist Party is that their people will soon realize that Taiwan’s democratic success proves that the Chinese people are capable of self-governance

With Rick Green, Steven Mosher, David Wurmser and Mike Mabee

RICK GREEN, Constitution Coach, Patriot Academy, former Texas State Representative, President, Authentic American History Productions, LLC, Twitter: @RickGreenTX

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  • What should Americans do to overcome the impending curbs on their civil liberties?

STEVEN MOSHER, President, Population Research Institute, first American social scientist to visit mainland China, Author, “A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy” and “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order,” Twitter: @StevenWMosher

  • Steve Mosher: The United States needs to show strength with China, not “strategic patience”
  • A growing fear within the Chinese Communist Party is that their people will soon realize that Taiwan’s democratic success proves that the Chinese people are capable of self-governance
  • What is happening in the US today is eerily similar to Communist China’s state-controlled media apparatus

DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander:

  • Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s recent comments about the Trump administration’s legal recognition of Israel’s claim over the Golan Heights is troublesome
  • David Wurmser delves into why the US never joined the International Criminal Court
  • The Lincoln Project’s mission to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu is reminiscent of the Obama-Biden administration’s taxpayer-funded support for the V15 movement

MIKE MABEE, Author, “The Civil Defense Book,” retired US Army Command Sergeant Major, Secure the Grid Coalition,

  • President Trump’s original May 2020 executive order to secure the grid did not require the US government to review the Chinese-imported transformers already in the US – this was a mistake
  • 10% of New York City’s and 18% of Las Vegas’s electric grid run through transformers
  • It could take months to swap out a downed transformer, leaving the US open to attack

Secure Freedom Radio

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