Last week, with little fanfare and just a few minor news articles, it was announced that David Gilbert is soon to be released from prison.

In case you don’t know who David Gilbert is, in 1983 he was convicted for the 1981 murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks armored car driver in Nyack, New York. Gilbert drove the getaway car in that attack/robbery attempt as a member of the Weather Underground Marxist terrorist group. The Weather Underground conducted that attack along with members of the Black Liberation Army and the May 19 Communist Organization in order to raise money for the “Republic of New Afrika” which sought to carve out a Black nation in the midst of the Deep South –a lunatic scheme built upon decades of Soviet anti-American propaganda.

Gilbert was originally sentenced to 75 years-to-life for his role in the heist, but now-disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo granted Gilbert clemency back in August, making him eligible for parole.’

Prior to his parole, the Society of Former FBI Agents wrote a letter warning that, far from being a mere driver,

Gilbert was a willing and active participant in many of the planning and strategy sessions of these heinous crimes. It should also be noted that he intentionally chose not to actively participate in his state trial and attempted to disrupt the court proceedings on a number of occasions proclaiming that he did not recognize the jurisdiction of any judicial body in the United States. He was thereafter convicted on three counts of murder and sentenced to three consecutive terms of twenty-five years to life, ostensibly a life sentence.

The investigation clearly established that Gilbert chose his own revolutionary path without any regard for the law or for the sanctity of the lives of innocent people.

Now Gilbert has been granted parole by the New York state parole board and will be a free man at the end of this month. The whole process is a slap in the face of the surviving families of the men murdered and law enforcement officers everywhere.

This type of coddling of Leftist terrorists is nothing new unfortunately.

Gilbert’s partner in crime Kathy Boudin also took part in the Brinks robbery and murders and served time in prison. She was released on parole in 2003. She was immediately embraced by academia and is now an adjunct professor at Columbia University. As far as anyone knows, she is currently the only convicted terrorist to serve as a faculty member at Columbia (although not the only one to endorse terrorism sadly).

Gilbert and Boudin had a child together, Chesa Boudin. While his parents were in prison the younger Boudin was raised by his parent’s terrorist confederates, Weather Underground leaders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn. Both are best known for their subsequent academic careers, and their close relationship with Barack Obama. Dorn was also a Weather Underground leader and escaped capture as a member of the FBI’s Most Wanted, until she gave herself up in 1980, pleading guilty to lesser charges. She too went on to be embraced by academia, becoming a professor of law at Northwestern University.

Chesa Boudin was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, attending Yale University and becoming a lawyer. He worked under communist dictator Hugo Chavez in Venezuela for a while. Not surprisingly, he surfaced as a public defender in San Francisco. More shocking, he went on to become the district attorney for San Francisco, which probably goes a long way toward explaining why that magnificent city is increasingly overrun with crime.

It turns out that these disturbing patterns do not end there.

Not all of the former members of the Weather Underground communist terrorist organization went on to academic greatness. Some remain committed activists and organizers, teaching the newest generation the lessons of subversion and radicalism they learned in the ‘60s.

Another Weather Underground comrade of Gilbert, Boudin, Ayers and Dorn, convicted bomber Susan Rosenberg, sat at the head of Thousand Currents, the foundation which fiscally sponsored the Black Lives Matter organization during the 2020 riots. Other Weather Underground members have played a role in the founding of modern Antifa groups.

Taken in total, it appears that being a leftist terrorist is not such a bad deal. Chances are, liberal politicians and college administrators will look out for you after you serve your time and you can go right back to supporting communist revolution in your old age.

We can expect that David Gilbert will have a soft landing on the outside upon his release.

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