The wrecking operation that passes for Joe Biden’s administration has just prematurely ended the career of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. No sooner had the president unilaterally announced Justice Breyer’s departure than he declared that only a black woman would be considered as his replacement.

Mr. Biden made a similar, constitutionally challenged, indeed racist commitment with respect to his vice-presidential selection of Kamala Harris and even Joe Biden seems to have realized that was an unadulterated mistake. In fact, they get along so badly that he reportedly is prepared to nominate Kamala as Breyer’s replacement just to get her out of the White House.

Fortunately, the American people having been fooled once by Biden’s racist appointment of someone of such limited ability and even less personal appeal seem unlikely to agree to her obtaining a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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