Securing America – Why the US can’t negotiate with Iran

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With Bradley Thayer, Kimberly Hermann and Yoram Ettinger

BRADLEY THAYER, Director of China Policy, Center for Security Policy, Author, How China Sees the World 

  • Reactions to Xi Jinping’s address at the 20th Party Congress
  • A degree of belligerence in Xi’s speech
  • Analyzing the current state of China’s economy

KIMBERLY HERMANN, General Counsel, Southeastern Legal Foundation

  • Critical Race Theory being taught in schools across America
  • Students being asked questions about their parents’ political affiliation

YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel’s Embassy in DC, Consultant to Israeli and US legislators

  • Why the U.S. cannot negotiate with Iran
  • The relationship between Iran and Venezuela
  • How is the U.S. losing trust of its Middle East allies?

Securing America TV

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