Prosecute the CCP & friends for biowarfare crimes against humanity


The Times of London reports the U.S. State Department has concluded at last that a Chinese Communist biological warfare laboratory in Wuhan secretly genetically modified a bat coronavirus to make it more transmissible and lethal to humans.

This is not exactly news. In fact, it has been obvious for years. But the evidence contradicted the officially approved narrative, derived from the Chinese Communist Party’s lies, then legitimated and amplified by the World Health Organization it controls.

Consequently, we must address the reality that, once the virus was out of the Wuhan lab, it was deliberately spread to this country and globally by the CCP in what amounts to a deliberate biological warfare attack.

The Chinese Communist Party is a Transnational Criminal Organization that must be prosecuted and punished for this and other war crimes against innocent people. Ditto its accomplice: the WHO.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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