Punish Turkey for its latest Armenian genocide

Earlier this week, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, an American patriot and prominent Muslim reformer, warned that the Turkish-backed, stealthy-jihadist Muslim Brotherhood has deeply penetrated the Biden administration and exercises dangerous influence over its policies.

That probably explains Team Biden’s inaction with respect to an unfolding genocide Turkey and its proxy, Azerbaijan, are perpetrating against Armenian Christians in a region historically called Nagorno-Karabach. 120,000 followers of Jesus, are currently being starved to death by a Sharia-supremacist nation still treated as a NATO ally and its surrogate.

During a staggeringly alarming webinar yesterday, former Senator and Ambassador Sam Brownback called for punishing sanctions on Turkey and Azerbaijan unless they stop preventing food, medicine and other necessities from reaching Christians in what is now formally the Republic of Artsakh. Amen!

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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