Ken Paxton is back. And that’s a good thing for Texas – and America. 

During his tenure as the Lone Star State’s Attorney General, Mr. Paxton has earned a reputation as arguably the most effective and certainly the most influential conservative AG in the country. In addition to his own aggressive defense of constitutional rights in Texas, thanks to General Paxton’s leadership, many of his counterparts in other states have been inspired to join him in cases that have resulted in key Supreme Court and other courts’ rulings to that end.

Ken Paxton’s effective advocacy seems to have had a lot to do with the spectacle of a deeply flawed impeachment by the Texas House of Representatives. Fortunately, on Saturday, the state’s Senate acquitted him on all charges.  

We need Attorney General Ken Paxton back in business. Thank God he is.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Gabriela Sotelo by is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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