Andriy Blokhin -

“We will make America stink.” So declared a Soviet Communist International leader after deploying Kremlin agents to teach at American universities and refine critical theories to destroy our society from within.

The “critical” nature of those theories was to heap relentless criticism on every aspect of our society — family, faith, founding principles, and all that was good — not to fix their flaws but to grind them down as oppressors to be destroyed.

And so developed the critical race theory that excreted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and the critical law theory that weaponized the legal industry to wreck anyone hindering progressivism.

The colossally successful Soviet active measures campaign to “make America stink” through cultural Marxism began a century ago during a meeting at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.

Participants included Hungarian Bolshevik György Lukacs, who pioneered the politically motivated sexualization of children; Willi Münzenberg, the top Communist International strategist who would deploy his spawn to “make America stink”; and Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka, which would become the KGB.

Hoover had been on the trail of communist agents since Joe McCarthy was in elementary school.

The left understandably hated Hoover. For all his flaws, Hoover was a patriot who clearly understood the idea of foreign-sponsored subversion. Hoover built the Federal Bureau of Investigation not only to fight crime but also to neutralize foreign agents bent on undermining the American way of life and all it stood for.

Today’s FBI has morphed into something that Hoover would have investigated and opposed.

That metamorphosis unfolded gradually over recent decades. It gained momentum under President Barack Obama, who campaigned in 2008 to “fundamentally transform America.” Obama spoke publicly of his intellectual upbringing with the works of Herbert Marcuse, a founding father of critical theory and cultural Marxism and, yes, a Comintern man.

Marcuse was one of scores of Soviet and communist agents who infiltrated American intelligence during World War II. He broke with Stalin but not with communism. He became a philosophical godfather of the new left that tore American society apart where the old Stalinists had failed. Communist Party radical Angela Davis became one of Marcuse’s favorite students. New left leaders like Weather Underground terrorists Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers and red diaper babies of the old Chicago Communist Party apparat like Valerie Jarrett became Obama’s closest confidants as he entered Illinois politics.

As president, Obama filled his administration with acolytes of Marcuse to fill the Justice Department with critical legal theory lawyers and grievance-industry agitators to spread critical race theory through the bureaucracy and across American society. The FBI, politicized at the top, became a target for critical Marxist infiltration. Obama issued a 2011 diversity executive order to mandate critical race theory at every level of government.

The bureau’s armor had rusted and cracked. What Obama’s disgraced FBI director James Comey had begun continued under his successor, Republican Christopher Wray. Wray imposed DEI at every level of the bureau. He declared DEI and queer theory as “mission critical.”

Wray hired a DEI extremist as the FBI’s chief diversity officer. From there came the imposition on every single FBI agent, analyst, and employee. In 2021, Wray ordered all FBI personnel to undergo an “LGBT+” course, not to help agents understand the changing culture around them but to force that culture on them.

The course instructed them to use invented pronouns. To get used to being in close quarters with those tormented by sexual and mental disorders. To shed their personal beliefs and morals and take to the streets — literally as protesters — as “allies” of the ever-expanding alphabet soup of gender-queer culture.

Wray faced so much pushback that he quietly had the course withdrawn, its 56-page PowerPoint slide presentation removed from FBI computer servers. But good FBI agents preserve evidence, and the evidence of that rainbow political commissar course made its way into the daylight.

The jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001, ended the American tradition of limiting the powers of intelligence services by keeping them separate. President George W. Bush, vowing that terrorists would never harm Americans again in our country, effectively merged the FBI and spooks under a single, centralized Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Obama then used the ODNI to impose his Comintern/Marcusian critical theory on the entire intelligence community, especially the FBI and CIA. The Trump team didn’t stop it. Biden accelerated it. But there’s still time to do something about it.

A 20-something Justice Department official stood as America’s first line of defense against foreign communist and anarchist agents and agitators. His job was to identify them, round them up, and deport them to Russia. For the next half-century he would warn the country repeatedly about communist subversion of American schools, newspapers, churches, entertainment, politics, and government. His name was J. Edgar Hoover.

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