Yesterday, amidst rising questions about President Joe Biden’s fitness to remain in office, House Democrats showed they’re unfit to govern. All but five of them opposed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, effectively endorsing the proposition that illegal aliens and other non-citizens should be able to vote in American elections.

In short, Team Biden’s open borders disenfranchises actual citizens.

Enabling foreigners to register to vote without proof of citizenship is hardly the only technique Democrats are using to steal this fall’s elections. Others include: universal mail-in ballots – many of which will be mailed to ineligible addresses that amount to “ballot mills”; Internet-connected tabulating machines; lawfare; and Big Tech manipulations.

But yesterday’s action on the SAVE Act makes one thing clear: If we want free, fair and legitimate elections, the American people are going to have to compel the Democrats to allow them.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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