23 years after 9/11, see something, say nothing

Twenty-three years ago today, nineteen jihadists launched murderous attacks inside the United States incalculably harming  our people, economy and liberties. Have we learned the lessons of 9/11?

Arguably, the most important one is that we face enemies willing and able to strike us here at home, as well as abroad.

While we have been endlessly told that if we see something, we must say something, it has been impermissible to say the most obvious thing to be seen: We now have, among other enemies within, many thousands of Sharia-supremacists in this country who believe the violent triumph of Islam is a religious duty.

FBI Director Chris Wray is repeatedly warning of impending attacks. But unless we are able to identify and neutralize such enemies and their supporting infrastructure, we face the prospect of jihadist mayhem that will make 9/11 pale by comparison.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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