Emasculating Hezbollah, good for Israel, good for us

Israel yesterday executed a surgical strike against more than three thousand Hezbollah operatives. The “surgery” was executed via typically pocket-borne Iranian-supplied pagers that the Israelis were able to detonate nearly simultaneously across Lebanon.

In addition to losing private and other body parts, the terrorist organization sustained what is in Middle Eastern culture, an even greater blow: a loss of face.

The reaction was immediate. Across the Arab world – including notably in areas of Lebanon, memes, videos and social media posts figuratively exploded, evidence of widespread hatred of both Hezbollah and its masters in Tehran.

Israel’s strike has also helped burnish its reputation for military and intelligence preeminence. Which is good for the Jewish State – and for an America whose government has shamefully sought to coerce our ally into making territorial and other concessions to our mutual enemy: a now-somewhat emasculated Hezbollah.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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