There’s not much good news in the fight against Islamic supremacism. But the people of Turkey voted Sunday to prevent an Islamist from finishing the “fundamental transformation” of their constitutional republic into a shariah-adherent dictatorship.

President Recep Tayyep Erdogan suffered a stinging repudiation. He sought a mandate to make-over his largely symbolic job into the center of power in Turkey, and a significant majority of Turks said “No.”

Now the question arises: Can Erdogan’s fractious opposition forge a coalition government – one that would include a pro-Kurd party and another that is anti-Kurd?

If they can, Turkey may once again be the reliable, pro-American NATO ally we urgently need it to be. If not, the Islamists may get another election, and a chance to resume their march towards shariah and alignment with our enemies.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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