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Revelations of sexual abuse are taking down powerful politicians, journalists, celebrities and others every day.

It would be bizarre, and a serious miscarriage of justice, if a federal judge were to make it easier for perpetrators to get away with sexual abuse.

District Judge Bernard Friedman is being asked to do just that today by individuals charged with mutilating the genitals of little girls in Michigan.  The alleged mutilators claim they didn’t get sexual gratification from their actions, so the charge of sexual abuse should be dropped.

If the judge agrees, effectively rewriting the law, victims may have to prove that their abusers got sexual gratification out of their conduct.  What if it was just a power-trip or a social pathology, but not orgasmic?

Urge Judge Friedman not to enable sexual abuse.  Call him at (313) 234-5170. That’s (313) 234-5170.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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