A “kangaroo court” aimed at weaponizing the supreme one

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On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz laced into Judiciary Committee Democrats’ “kangaroo court” treatment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for their second “high-tech lynching” in thirty years of a man they loathe simply because he is a “conservative African American.”  

Senator Cruz warned that Democrats appeared to be following a strategy promoted by their radical leftist allies who have used racist imagery and tropes to “destroy Clarence Thomas’s reputation.” The current pretext are claims of ethical misconduct that don’t withstand scrutiny.  

The Texas Senator also served notice that the other target of this partisan assault is the Supreme Court, itself. The transparent object is to transform it permanently into the sort of weaponized judicial creature the Left has used in Brazil and Israel to gain and wield power, negating that vested in democratically elected governments.  

Such subversive political warfare must be thwarted. Now.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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