A needed, countervailing breakthrough on disengaging from the CCP

Yesterday, President Biden held a long-awaited meeting with Communist China’s “dictator,” Xi Jinping. As expected, the two agreed to renew so-called military-to-military contacts. The problem is not actually a failure to communicate. Rather, it is the fact that Xi is relentlessly preparing for a shooting war with our country.

That reality makes all the more reckless the Biden administration’s other efforts in the name of “engagement” to prop up a Chinese Communist Party increasingly beset by potentially terminal political, economic and demographic crises.

Fortunately, at least it will no longer be compelling past and present military personnel and their civilian federal government counterparts to invest in China’s companies – including some manufacturing weapons intended to kill us. Their pension fund will henceforth be offering an investment platform that excludes Chinese and Hong Kong-based corporations.

The rest of America must disengage, too.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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