A Needed Lawsuit to Protect Our Freedom of Speech

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Social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have effectively become huge monopolies. They provide what amount to essential public services – offering vehicles for self-expression and information-sharing increasingly critical to the exercise of freedom of speech.

Recently, however, these so-called “new media” giants have adopted “hate speech” policies that allow unaccountable individuals to determine what they will – and won’t – disseminate. The ostensible justification is to impede the Islamic State and other terrorists from inciting violence.

In practice, though, their critics are also being silenced. For example, for a time last week, YouTube removed a powerful short video by CounterJihad.com that explains sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood’s role in insinuating it here.

Yesterday, the federal government’s enabling of such censorship was challenged in court. Your freedom may be riding on this suit. Find out more at AmericanFreedomLawCenter.org.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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