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(Washington, D.C.): On Wednesday, 4
May, the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee is scheduled to vote on two
controversial Clinton nominations to
sensitive ambassadorial posts. Sam Brown,
to become U.S. representative to the
Conference on Cooperation and Security in
Europe, and Derek Shearer, to serve as
the American Ambassador to Finland. The
former was a leading opponent of the
Vietnam war who subsequently served as
the director of the Carter
Administration’s ACTION; the latter a
long-time “movement” radical
who is Deputy Secretary of State Strobe
Talbott’s brother-in-law and a close
friend of President Clinton.

What makes this meeting particularly
interesting is the possibility that the
fate of these two nominations may rest in
the hands of a single Senator — Paul
Sarbanes, Democrat of Maryland. When
Brown’s nomination was first considered
by the Committee on 22 March, it was
narrowly approved, 11 to 9, with Sen.
Sarbanes’ support. Thanks to a procedural
misstep, however, the Senator and his
colleagues have been given an opportunity
to reconsider their initial votes for Sam
Brown at the same meeting where they will
be asked to act on the appointment of his
comrade, Derek Shearer. If anything, the
latter may be in more difficulty than the

The Sarbanes Standard

Sen. Sarbanes is particularly pivotal
because he has, in the past, been a
vehement critic of the practice of
president’s appointing unqualified
political cronies to important diplomatic
missions. For example, on the
MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour on 29 September
l989, Sen. Sarbanes denounced President
Bush for nominating a number of major
political contributors who lacked other
qualifications to be U.S. ambassadors:

“I don’t mind people’s
political involvements, in fact, I
encourage it. But they ought to have
other dimensions to them that warrant
being picked as an ambassador. This
is serious business and there are
important American interests at stake
in terms of what our representatives
can do in the countries to which they
are sent.”

On 8 November 1989, Sen. Sarbanes
announced to his Committee colleagues
that he was “out to put an end to
this … ambassadorial spoils
system,” leading efforts to defeat
nomination she deemed to be unqualified.
He and eight other Democrats decried one
such Bush appointee — Joseph Zappala to
be ambassador to Spain — writing in
minority views:

“It is now proposed to send
an ambassador to Spain who possesses
no prior experience or educational
background in foreign policy, no
particular interest in or knowledge
about Spain and no Spanish language
ability …. [Given the growing
record of] nominees lacking serious
qualifications, we ought not let this
process deteriorate any

In so doing, the senior Senator from
Maryland asserted that he was seeking
nothing more than compliance with the
1980 Foreign Service Act which stipulates
that U.S. ambassadorial nominees, should
have a “‘useful knowledge’ of the
language and of the history, culture,
economics, politics and interests of the
host country.” (1)
Clearly, neither Sam Brown nor Derek
Shearer meet these tests.

The Foreign Service View

Not surprisingly, this is typically
the view as well of career diplomats. Tex
Harris, president of the American Foreign
Service Association, for example, told
the Associated Press on 5 November 1993

“In an age of shrinking
governmental resources, we can no
longer afford the former luxury of
bringing aboard generous political
contributors to an 18- to 20 month
training session on how to be an
American ambassador. We have got to
choose Americans who have experience
and a track record in international
affairs. We cannot afford to send
amateurs. The age of amateurs is

One of Mr. Harris’ predecessors
Theodore Wilkinson noted that:

“The requirement for Senate
confirmation of ambassadors was
designed by the founding fathers …
to preclude [just] this kind of
misuse of ambassadorships. Explaining
[this] requirement, Alexander
Hamilton wrote: ‘It would be an
excellent check upon a spirit of
favoritism in the president, and
would tend greatly to prevent the
appointment of unfit

In connection with the nomination of
several unqualified republican political
appointees, Sen. Sarbanes and his allies
in the career diplomatic service have
resorted to ridicule: Citing documents
prepared to satisfy the State
Department’s statutory obligation to
certify the “competence” of
ambassador postings, the Senator from
Maryland took to reading identical
statements of two hapless Bush appointees
each of whom claimed: “I
have been known as a coalition builder,
able to organize my colleagues and peers
to action in support of worthy civic,
charitable and political causes.”

Sounds Like Messrs. Brown
and Shearer

The truth of the matter, however, is
that such a statement is about the best
that can be said about Sam Brown and
Derek Shearer’s
“qualifications” for their
respective nominations. There is, of
course, a big difference between the
sorts of “coalitions” and
“organiz[ing of their] colleagues
and peers” that Messrs. Brown and
Shearer have been involved in and that
with which President Bush’s dubious
appointees — and for that matter
President Clinton’s big donor/ambassadors
— have been associated: Brown
and Shearer have worked for the radical
overhaul of the American political and
economic system. By contrast, the other
nominees have used their success in the
latter financially to lubricate — and
promote themselves in — the former.

The following are among the radical
ideas, organizational activities and
agitation that have apparently earned Sam
Brown and Derek Shearer the kind of
presidential gratitude usually reserved
for major campaign contributors:

  • Sam Brown was a prime-mover in
    the Vietnam Moratorium Committee,
    and through it, in the New
    Mobilization Committee to End the
    War in Vietnam (“New
    Mobe”). These organizations
    were instrumental in catalyzing
    American public opinion against
    the conflict in Southeast Asia.
    The latter determined by the
    House Committee on Internal
    Security in 1970 to have been
    under “communist
    domination.’ (2)
  • Brown subsequently became —
    together with Derek Shearer — a
    key activist in the National
    Conference on Alterative State
    and Local Public Policy
    (NCASLPP). According to its own
    literature, this organization was
    a “new network…established
    to strengthen the programmatic
    work of the Left” and to
    “end the sense of isolation
    felt by elected and appointed
    officials, organizers and
    planners who share a populist or
    radical outlook.’ (3)
  • The purposes of NCASLPP were
    perhaps best expressed by its
    radical National Conference
    Coordinator, Barbara Bick:

    “There are two
    categories: revolutionaries,
    and those who make
    revolutions work …. You
    have to have people who know
    how to run things and develop
    programs. In a way this is
    what we are doing ….
    [NCASLPP assumed the
    responsibility [for creating
    through its network] of
    populist, progressive,
    socialist [leaders, the
    beginnings] of a real
    domestic program that is more
    than just reform. It is
    talking about structural
    change, given the fact that
    this is a capitalist country.
    [It is intended to achieve
    goals beyond reform politics
    … a politics of how to
    change to a democratic,
    decentralized socialism from
    a corporate, monopolistic
    state.” (4)

  • Brown at one point publicly
    stated that “I take
    second place to no one in my
    hatred of the [U.S.] Intelligence
    .” (5)
  • According to a published report
    in Newsday, while at
    ACTION, Sam Brown let it be known
    that he believed “anyone who
    had stayed in the government
    while Richard Nixon was president
    had no moral character
    whatsoever.” (6)
  • Like Derek Shearer, Sam Brown has
    enthused over concepts of
    “economic democracy” (a
    term Shearer has, on occasion,
    acknowledged was a euphemism for
    socialism) and “workplace
    democracy.” While at ACTION,
    Brown reportedly told a meeting
    in the U.S. State Department of
    the “Secretary’s Open Forum
    “that this is a
    “concept ill-developed in
    American society. It is another
    of the places where we stand to
    learn from Jamaica, from
    Tanzania, from Cuba, from
    Yugoslavia…” (7)
  • While director of ACTION, Brown
    participated in a 25 September
    l977 rally in New York City
    sponsored by communist Vietnam
    upon the occasion of its
    admission to the U.N. The
    spectacle prompted respected
    newsman Eric Sevareid to observe:
  • “One newspaper
    describes the gathering as
    the anti-war movement come
    together again. It was,
    rather, that part of the
    antiwar movement which was
    not anti-war at all.- it was
    anti the American role in the
    war and pro-Hanoi …. Most
    of those in the New York
    theater were not celebrating
    peace. They were celebrating
    the triumph of communist
    totalitarianism, which is
    what they had always been
    working for in the guise of a
    peace movement.”

  • In addition to his own active
    involvement in NCASLPP, Derek
    Shearer was a driving force
    behind myriad other, hard-left
    organizations including:
    • The California
      Public Policy Center
      — an institution that
      was described in the
      January 1980 issue of Libertarian
      Review as the

      for a number of
      associated radical
      entities. At various
      times over several years,
      Shearer was CPPC’s vice
      secretary-treasurer and a
      member of the board of

      The Economy
      of the
      CPPC — a project
      directed by Shearer to
      promote his theories
      democracy.” In a
      November l977 article
      entitled, “Economic
      Alternatives —
      Fundamental Political
      Shearer asserted:
      “My premise is that
      it is impossible for a
      Left political movement
      with ostensible humane
      values to accomplish its
      goals without a parallel
      alternative economic

      The Campaign
      for Economic Democracy

      (CED)– a radical
      movement led by Tom
      Hayden and utilized to
      bring Shearer, his
      hard-left wife — Ruth
      Yannatta Goldberg — and
      sympathizers to power in
      the city of Santa Monica
      in the early 1980s. The
      campaign’s rallying cause
      was the institution of
      one of the country’s most
      draconian rent control
      laws. Shearer served on
      the board of the CED and
      is widely credited with
      having been the
      strategist behind its
      insidious platform and
      activities. (9)

      The Foundation
      for National Progress
      (FNP) —
      organization that
      sponsored hard-left
      research, seminars,
      conferences and published
      the radical magazine, Mother

      The New School
      for Democratic Management

      — what Shearer once
      alternative business
      school” and”an
      ideological challenge to
      the rest of
      society.” Shearer
      used courses conducted
      under this rubric and
      funded by the FNP to
      promote his
      democracy” agenda:
      to provide “the
      beginnings of a movement
      aimed at building a more
      fully human

    These organizations have one
    important thing in addition to
    having benefitted from Derek
    Shearer’s considerable energies
    and cunning over the years: They
    are all associated, in one way or
    another, with the notorious
    Institute for Policy Studies

The IPS Connection

While the Institute for Policy
Studies has gone to considerable lengths
over its thirty years of radical
agitation to “spin-off’ and
otherwise disguise its relationships to
what it has called “sister
organizations,” there is ample
evidence of continuing associations
between them if one cares to look for it.
For example:

  • the IPS started the National
    Conference on State and Local
    Public Policies and its
    headquarters were for a number of
    years located in the Institute’s
  • according to its own internal
    documents, the California Public
    Policy Center’s Economy Project
    was funded by a
    “one-time-only grant from
    the Institute for Policy
  • the Foundation for National
    Progress was, according to its
    internal financial report for
    1976, “formed in 1975 to
    carry out on the West Coast the
    charitable and educational
    activities of the Institute for
    Policy Studies.(12)
  • as noted above, the New School
    was a project of IPS’ Foundation
    for National Progress.

The Bottom Line

What makes these facts so significant
is that both Brown and Shearer have, to
varying degrees misrepresented their past
records and associations to the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. For
instance, Brown implausibly claimed that
he had simply stumbled upon the
Vietnamese victory celebration that so
inflamed Eric Sevareid and many other
Americans while walking the streets of
New York.

Derek Shearer was even more brazen in
denying any significant involvement with
the IPS. the CPPC, the CED, and the
NCASLPP when the record clearly shows
otherwise. No less astounding are his
assertions that he was unaware of the
Institute’s intimate connections with
many of these organizations.

As a result, Democratic members of the
Foreign Relations Committee should have
ample grounds for rejecting these
nominations tomorrow. Not only are they
manifestly unqualified for the positions
to which they have been nominated, they
have dissembled — if not lied outright
— about their actual credentials.

At the very least, it is hard
to imagine that Senator Sarbanes will be
able to bring himself to vote for such
. Should he
nonetheless do so, his past, righteous
indignation over deplorable republican
ambassadorial appointments nominations
will be shown to be but the crassest of
partisan posturing. Who knows, it may
even cost him some votes, come


1. See Theodore
Wilkinson “Let’s Take the ‘For Sale’
Signs Off Our Embassies,” Newsday,
5 August 1990, p. 5.

2. House of
Representatives Committee on Internal
Security Annual Report for 1970, as
recounted in Heritage Foundation Backgrounder
entitled, “The New Left in
Government: From Protest to
Policy-Making,” November 1973, p.

3. From a July
1975 press release issued under the
letterhead of the Institute for Policy

4. See an
interview with Barbara Bick which
appeared in the left-wing magazine Communities
in its January-February 1977 edition.

5. From an
interview with Sam Brown which appeared
in the December 1977 issue of Penthouse

6. Elaine Gulla
Kamarck, Newsday, December 1988.

7. Reported in a
column by Patrick Buchanan according to a
Heritage Foundation Backgrounder
entitled, “The New Left in
Government: From Protest to
Policy-Making.’ November 1978. In
response to questioning by Senator Jesse
Helms (R-NC) about this statement, Brown
did not deny ranking it. Instead, he
referred admiringly to a concept of
worker participation that it number of
American companies arc experimenting with
that bears little resemblance to the
“workplace democracy” of Cuba
or the former Yugoslavia.

8. Congressional
Record, 27 September 1977, p. 31215.

9. An op.ed. in
the 17 March 1994 edition of the Wall
Street Journal
“Aftershocks Jar Santa Monica’s Rent
Controllers,” suggested that the
legacy of Shearer’s machinations in Santa
Monica may have contributed to
the widespread destruction of property in
that community during the latest
earthquake — property that had not, due
to rent control, been improved as it
should have been.

10. From an
undated New School document entitled,
‘Announcing a Business School for
Economic Democracy – circulated in early

11. See the CPPCs
‘1975 Operations and Litigation Report,’
approved on 7 April 1976 at a meeting of
its board of directors sa reported in the
Heritage Backgrounder “Campaign for
Economic Democracy: Part II — The
Institute for Policy Studies
Network,” April 1981.

12. Op.cit.

Center for Security Policy

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