A win over “Natural Asset Companies” – and a model for saving America

Stuart Monk - stock.adobe.com

It’s not every day that the American people secure a victory over the combined legions of radical environmentalists, monied interests of Wall Street, and enemies foreign and domestic in places like the Chinese Communist Party and the Biden administration. But yesterday was one of those rare – and much-needed – wins.

Faced with opposition from an aroused public and a growing number of patriotic public servants, including 23 state treasurers and 25 attorneys general, the New York Stock Exchange withdrew its proposed Securities and Exchange Commission rule allowing so-called “Natural Asset Companies.”

We have thus been spared – at least for the time being – a massive American sell-off and sell-out involving U.S. public and some private lands. We have also seen a formula for working and succeeding at the state level when the federal government is betraying its sworn duty and our vital interests.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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