A win over the CCP for Michigan, do the same for the rest of America

Good news: American patriots in Michigan just induced a Chinese Communist Party company not to buy 250 acres of prime farmland in the heart of Michigan. 

A group called “Choose Freedom” has been raising an alarm about the CCP’s plan to build a lithium-ion battery plant for electric vehicles with $750 million in state subsidies and concessions. While other elements of this initiative that threatens the environment and national security are still afoot, this partial victory should prompt Michigan and federal authorities to pull the plug on the rest. 

That should also be done regarding the CCP’s purchases of other agricultural land here which, according to a Daily Mail investigation, involve 400,000 acres worth $2 billion, up from $160 million ten years ago. The Chinese would never allow such an arrangement there, and we shouldn’t tolerate it here, either. 

This is Frank Gaffney. 

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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