A World Not Rid of Nukes

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Now, the BBC reports Saudi Arabia – which fears a nuclear Iran – can get its own such weapons from Pakistan whenever it wants.

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Barack Obama is determined to “rid the world of nuclear weapons.” But how’s that working out?

In fact, we face growing threats of nuclear attack. For example, the Chinese recently issued a map showing the American cities they plan to destroy with submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

North Korea has a similar map and, reportedly, it has acquired electromagnetic pulse (or EMP) warheads capable of devastating our electric grid.

Iran is working to acquire similar capabilities.

Now, the BBC reports Saudi Arabia – which fears a nuclear Iran – can get its own such weapons from Pakistan whenever it wants.

It is recklessly irresponsible to think that such a world will actually be safer if the United States persists delusionally in “ridding it of nuclear weapons,” starting with ours.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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