Abbas Demands for Two-State Solution

On Wednesday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with EU Foreign Minister Frederica Mogherini to discuss the latest developments surrounding the Middle East peace process.

During the meeting, Chief PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat said that Abbas stressed that he was in favor of resuming the peace process with Israel, but only after the Israeli government accepts the Palestinian demands, which includes the acceptance of the 1967 border two-state solution. This is coming from the same President who less than a year ago said that the Palestinians would never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Since succeeding Yassir Arafat as Palestinian Authority president and leader of Fatah, The press constantly refers to Abbas as “moderate,” despite the fact that Abbas, Arafat, and a few colleagues founded Fatah in 1959 to “liberate” Israel, not the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

According to the Arutz Sheva, less than a year ago, Abbas not only provoked his people against Israel, but also described Jews who visit the Temple Mount as a “herd of cattle.”

Abbas is also a Holocaust denier who published his doctoral thesis as a book, “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship between Nazism and the Zionist Movement,” which denied the severity of the Holocaust and claimed “a secret relationship between Nazism and the Zionist movement.

Official PA TV and other media outlets under Abbas’ control frequently describe Israeli cities as part of “Palestine,” exhibiting no inclination to recognize Israel’s right to exist or even the fact of Israel’s existence.

Also during the meeting this past Wednesday, Abbas warned the Israeli government that if they do not comply with his demands, then the Palestinian Authority would continue to internationalize the conflict, drawing in foreign bodies such as the International Criminal Court. According to Haaretz, prior to signing the Rome Statute in December 2014, Nabil Abuznaid, the Palestinian Authority ambassador to The Netherlands, said that going to the ICC represented a “final divorce: one way move, no way back,” and that this move is to be considered “a game-changer, a step after which a negotiated two-state solution may be all but impossible.”

With the Palestinians taking Israel to the International Criminal Court and trying to kick Israel out of the international soccer league, their war against the Jews continues. Despite Abbas’ “acceptance” of the two-state solution, his behavior and Palestinian’s recent behavior, reflect their honest intentions: for the destruction of Israel.

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