Ahmad Massoud: “I will never surrender to the Taliban…I will fight them”
With Robert Spencer and Susan Katz Keating
ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, “Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?,” and forthcoming, “Islamophobia and the Threat to Free Speech,” @jihadwatchRS
- Robert Spencer: The “willful ignorance” on the part of the U.S. authorities towards Sharia is why America failed in Afghanistan – Sharia is more than a religious doctrine
- Spencer talks about the Obama administration’s decision to trade five Guantanamo inmates for Bowe Bergdahl, four of whom are back enforcing a Sharia government in Afghanistan
- Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant who stabbed two tried to convert his neighbors to Islam
SUSAN KATZ KEATING, Chief National Security Correspondent, JustTheNews.com, Security and Terrorism Correspondent, American Media Institute, Military Correspondent, People Magazine, @SKatzKeating
- Ahmad Massoud, leader of the resistance in Panjshir, Afghanistan, told Just the News’ Susan Katz Keating that, “I will never surrender to the Taliban…I will fight them”
- Leaders of the resistance in Afghanistan view the Taliban as invaders
- What is the current state of the resistance in and around the Panjshir Valley?
- Is the Taliban looting valuables from Kabul and relocating them to Kandahar?
Robert Spencer
Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom
Susan Katz Keating
Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom
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