AMC demands Bush condemn critics of Islam – yet it won’t condemn Hezbollah or al Qaeda

Despite another bow to militant Muslims, President Bush hasn’t gone far enough and must “condemn” Christian critics of Islam, the American Muslim Council says.

In response to Islamic pressure groups, Bush issued a short prepared statement “in which he distanced his administration from anti-Islam comments from several conservative Christian leaders,” according to the AMC.

“Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans,” President Bush stated.

While praising Bush’s words, AMC said the president didn’t go far enough. The President must “condemn the hate mongers themselves, and the campaign to discredit the second largest American religion,” the AMC said in response.

Yet AMC leaders, when challenged to do so on national television, have trouble distancing themselves – let alone condemning – certain terrorist organizations by name. AMC officials would not denounce Hamas, Hezbollah, or even al Qaeda by name.

In fact, the AMC has retained a New York lawyer for Hamas – a lawyer who has stated his support for terrorist suicide bombings.

And instead of condemning domestic terrorists, the AMC publicly has made common cause with convicted cop-killers, including Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, and H. Rap Brown.

The Bush administration should stop yielding to haters and extremists in the American Muslim community – and should instruct the Justice Department to monitor, penetrate and disrupt those in this country who won’t denounce the terrorists.

Center for Security Policy

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