We now know that two foreign nationals who received refuge in this country – one from Somalia, the other from Afghanistan – are implicated in the jihadist attacks that took place over the weekend in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.

One might be forgiven for thinking that these timely reminders of the dangers associated with reckless refugee resettlement and immigration policies would induce President Obama to refrain from exacerbating our resulting, parlous position.

That would, of course, require him to put national security and public safety ahead of his ideologically driven desire for a legacy that fundamentally transforms America. So, as they say in New York, fuggedaboutit.

We need a national course-correction. If Congress foolishly funds the President’s proposal to import potentially hundreds of thousands more jihadists, Americans will have to seize upon the opportunity to reject it at the polls in November.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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