America Needs Trent Franks’ Continued, Honorable Service

Yesterday, an indefatigable champion of freedom announced his resignation from the Congress.  I know Rep. Trent Franks to be a man of profound faith and I pray that he will reconsider this decision and remain in his role as a leader of conscientious and national security-minded conservativism in the House of Representatives.

Congressman Franks’ resignation was reportedly encouraged by House Speaker Paul Ryan over concerns that the eight-term Arizona representative had spoken with two former staffers about serving as a surrogate to bear a child for his infertile wife and him.  In contrast to the abhorrent acts of sexual harassment or assault by others, if such conversations were considered “insensitive,” an apology would seem to be sufficient – not terminating Mr. Franks’ distinguished and highly moral public service.

Join me in praying and urging that Trent Franks continues that service at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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