Anarcho-Marxist movement resumes targeting churches in wake of abortion leak

After the leaked release of a draft of a Supreme Court decision on the topic of abortion, the threat of violence from left-wing extremists has once again become front and center. That threat is now playing out through vandalism and targeted disruptions specifically targeting America’ Christian churches.
A group calling itself RuthSentUs (a reference to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) announced on social media a “challenge” to disrupt Catholic Church services during
Mother’s Day services. The same organization doxxed the homes of America’s Supreme Court justices and offered stipends to those willing to protest outside the justices’ homes.
A number of Catholic Dioceses issued statements indicating they have received warning about potential disruptions. On May 3rd a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado was vandalized by anarchists. In the past two years, 30 churches in that area alone have been the targets of vandals.
In response to the most recent threats Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) fired off an emergency letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding the Department of Justice take action to protect Churches from vandalism and disruption. Unfortunately, if the DOJ’s handling of previous left-wing violence and vandalism are any indication, there’s little prospect for a robust federal response.
When Antifa was taking to the streets in violent riots during the election season of 2020, churches and religious statutes were targeted in New York, Massachusetts, Florida, California and Missouri. During the height of Black Lives Matter protests, churches and statues of Jesus Christ were targeted as “white supremacist,” an empty accusation designed to stir up more acts of violence and vandalism against churches. In Canada, over 48 churches were burned over accusations of mass graves of Indigenous persons being found on Church property, an accusation later deemed unfounded. In Ocala, Florida the Queen of Peace Catholic Church was set on fire with parishioners inside.
While all of these criminal acts were conducted with apparent political motive, attacks on churches have not been highlighted a terrorism threat by the Biden Administration. The reality is these acts of violent vandalism have less to do with the specific current events of the moment and everything to do with an implacable hatred of religion inherent in Marxist ideology.
Karl Marx, whose political ideology inspired the deaths of a 100 million men, women and children during the 20th century, focused particularly ire on the Christian church, which he recognized as a primary obstacle to his desire for worldwide communist revolution.
Marx described religion as “the soul of soulless conditions” and the “opium of the people.” He called for the abolition of religion as an illusion preventing the people from having “true happiness.” Based on Marx’s atheistic philosophy the communist regimes led by the Soviet Union and Communist China to make atheism the law of the land.
These recent attacks against Christian churches are analogous to China’s Cultural Revolution, when communist dictator Mao Zedong made it a point to target religious believers, symbols and temples. Several Antifa groups openly identify as supporters of Maoism.
The Biden administration has shown a shocking lack of concern about the latest outrages perpetuated against America’s churches. As a result, it will likely be up to local elected and appointed officials across America to address this latest outbreak of leftist violence. State legislators should ensure that their local law enforcement have the legal tools necessary to bring these violent revolutionaries to justice.
That requires political will which doesn’t exist in Washington D.C.
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