Antifa’s role in the protests ravaging the United States

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With Ryan Williams and LTG (Ret) William G. “Jerry” Boykin

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With Ryan Williams and LTG (Ret) William G. “Jerry” Boykin

RYAN WILLIAMS, President, Claremont Institute, Publisher, The Claremont Review of Books:

  • A powerful statement from the Claremont Institute on racism in America
  • A history of slavery in the United States
  • The rebuttal of the belief that America is systemically racist


  • How are college campuses affecting the view of America being systemically racist?
  • How could defunding of the police contribute to the civil unrest taking place throughout the US?

LTG (Ret) WILLIAM G. “JERRY” BOYKIN, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council, Original member of the US Army’s Delta Force:

  • Who is behind the protests ravaging the United States?
  • The role of Antifa in the protests
  • Was Antifa waiting for this moment to protest the US government?


  • Pushback President Trump is getting with his handling of the protests
  • A distinction between the National Guard and the active duty US Military
  • Analyzing the essay by Jim Mattis criticizing President Trump

Secure Freedom Radio

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