The Washington Post, August 1, 1996

THE UNITED STATES continues to
intervene mischievously in the appalling
conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Its particular contribution is to
increase the misery of a million Azeri
refugees, and in that way to draw out
hopes for a settlement. Why would
Washington wish to conduct such a policy,
which runs against its own substantial
strategic, economic and political
interests? It’s a policy thrust upon a
reluctant president by a Congress heavily
influenced by Armenian Americans. This
lobby has forced tough restrictions on
direct American humanitarian and other
aid to Azerbaijan.

The pro-Armenians argue that
Azerbaijan and its regional patron Turkey
are squeezing Armenia in a cruel joint
embargo. But look at the situation on the
ground. First — though the Turks lack
similar cause — Azerbaijan is at war
with Armenia: You wouldn’t expect them to
trade with each other right now. Then, it
is not only that Karabakh Armenians
seized and hold the long-sovereign Azeri
enclave of Nagorno Karabakh, whose
turmoil sparked this war between the two
formerly Soviet republics. Armenians also
now occupy 20 percent of Azerbaijan
proper. In short, the United States is
punishing the loser and comforting the
conqueror, occupier and evident winner of
the war.

Is there an American interest in
denying normal humanitarian aid to a
small country that — though not
especially democratic — is reaching to
the West and is critical to its region’s
political stability and economic promise
(Caspian oil)? The American Armenian
community and its supporters, led by
former senator Robert Dole, make no such
showing. Rather, what is on display is
ethnic political power. The irony is that
its wielding may not even be to the
advantage of the Armenians. They would be
better served, as would the Azeris, by
enlisting the United States as an
impartial moderator as they traded off
territory for security for Karabakh and
prosperity for themselves. But instead
the Armenian lobby tends to tip American
policy and to invite political
intervention by an imperially inclined

The question is due to be fought out
again today in a foreign operations
appropriations conference. Senate members
seem inclined to widen the way for the
humanitarian aid. House members are more
split. But an opening is there to benefit
Azeris, Armenians and, not least,
Americans as well.

Center for Security Policy

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