As Saddams BW program moves forward, the INC and American public prepare for War

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U.S. intelligence has spotted increased activity at a known biological weapons factory in Iraq last week, according to a report in todays Washington Times

This latest report mirrors recent reports that Iraq is feverishly working on expanding its weapons of mass destruction capability, including the development of rail cars to transport chemical and biological weapons around the country.

Iraqs increased activity comes amid heightened activity by Iraqi opposition forces. The Iraqi National Congress has reported that it wounded Saddam Husseins son Qusay, who heads the elite Republican Guard, during an attempted assassination two weeks ago.

American public is also preparing for war with Iraq, according to a new poll. The results show a huge base of support for President Bushs goal of replacing the regime of Saddam Hussein, even if it requires American ground troops.

Center for Security Policy

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