With Michael Pregent, Tom Trento and Peter Huessy

MICHAEL PREGENT, Visiting Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University:

  • On-the-ground report from Iraq
  • Ongoing operation to retake Mosul
  • What will happen to the Sunni population in Iraq after the collapse of the Islamic State?

PETER HUESSY, Director for Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies:

  • Is current U.S. defense spending sufficient?
  • Nuclear modernization timeline

TOM TRENTO, Founder of the United West, Producer of Fallen Angel: Cover-Up of Seal Team Six Shoot-Down:

  • Shoot down of Extortion 17 in August 2011
  • Deadly Rules of Engagement that lead to the shoot-down
Secure Freedom Radio

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