Beginning of the end of an obsolete regime

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Highlighted Story: “The Argentinian Crisis: The beginning of the end of an obsolete regime.” This is the second of a three part series on the current crisis in Argentina.

The current crisis affecting the government of Cristina Kirchner could represent a major breakthrough in the cancer affecting the Latin American continent nowadays. The rebirth of old populism or the emergence of neo-populism in the continent in the 2000’s might have reached its own contradiction. If this is the case, the Argentinean crisis may present an opportunity for the constitutional spirit of the 1980’s and 1990’s to return and for Latin American as well as American political establishments to consider new policies. To learn more, please open the attachment.

Main News:

  • Spontaneous rallies surprise Kirchner and acolytes. Argentina Government Rally Disrupts Banks, Flights Businesses. Argentine president sends farmers’ tax bill to Congress. Farmers’ conflict is costing Argentina 3.4 billion US dollars. Argentines’ inflation expectations for next 12 months: 34.7%.

  • Colombian government probes into reports on FARC leader’s death. Brother of alleged drug lord extradited from Colombia.

  • Bolivia closer to the sea: Chile grants free access in Iquique.

  • NEWS FLASH: US accuses Venezuelan diplomat of working for Hezbollah. Venezuela faces the highest inflation in Latin America. ETA presence in Venezuela within the framework of Moratinos’ visit. Chvez welcomes Paraguayan president-elect. Attorney General Office investigates into death of journalist. Al Rodrguez Araque is the new Minister of Finance.

  • Peru admits talks for US air facilities in the highlands.

  • US Recalls Bolivia Envoy in Security Dispute.

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Nancy Menges
Editor in Chief – “Americas Report”

Nicole M. Ferrand
Editor – “Americas Report”


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Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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