In a recent election for the mayoralty of the city of Buenos Aires, the candidate of Argentinean president, Nestor Kirchner, was defeated by a huge margin of sixty one to thirty four percent. The Peronist party, to which Kirchner belongs, was also defeated in the southern province of Tierra del Fuego. Mauricio Macri, a candidate defined as being center-right was elected in Buenos Aires and in the South, the winner was Fabiana Rios, a candidate who describes herself as center-left. Analysis and implications.

Main News:

  • Peru: Violent protests continue all over the country.
  • Plenty of democracy in Venezuela, according to OAS.
  • RCTV back on the air, on paid television.
  • Brazil plane crash kills approximately 200 people.
  • Peru: 7 Iraqis arrested with fake passports. Planned to travel to US.
  • Vladimir Villegas: ChC!vez’s Chess Piece in Mexico. IMPORTANT.
  • IACHR removes Venezuelan rapporteur for discrediting the Commission. Venezuela: New anti-aircraft defense system this year. More Venezuelans seek asylum in US, fleeing Chavez’s policies. ChC!vez imposes its warlike theses with new minister of Defense. Chavez expropriates luxury hotels. Hugo Chavez seeks unlimited presidential terms.
  • Canada announces start of free-trade talks with Colombia and Peru.
  • Bolivian President to Nationalize Railways.
  • Democrats say no to free trade with Colombia. Delay with Peru and Panama.
  • Argentina ‘s Economy Minister Resigns after $64,000 in cash are found in her office.

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