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National security fraud has been a hallmark of the Obama administration. Fraudulent claims to have reset relations with Russia, disarmed Iran and routed al Qaeda are just a few of the more egregious examples.

Now, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes has actually bragged about deceiving the public and Congress about the President’s fatally flawed deal with Tehran. The mullahs are $150 billion richer and more able to pursue their nuclear ambitions, aspirations for regional hegemony and jihadism thanks to Rhodes’ successful bait-and-switch.

Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois is among those who think that Rhodes’ public admission of his lying to lawmakers should require his resignation. Anything less will only affirm that perpetrating national security fraud is standard operating procedure for Team Obama. Worse yet, it will assure that there is more of it to come.

Ben Rhodes must go.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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