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The Western press is awash with sympathetic human interest stories masquerading as news about the arrival in Europe of vast numbers of “refugees” from Syria and North Africa. Will the subject continue to get front-page treatment as the ostensible victims of persecution become rampaging hooligans and, in at least some cases, jihadists?

Islamic supremacists call what is going on “the hijra” – a form of Muslim colonization. The more their numbers grow, the more they will do as their shariah doctrine commands, namely to secure the rest of the world’s submission to their “true faith.”

There may be a reason why the colonists’ misbehavior is going under-reported at the moment. The Obama administration and the press seem intent on bringing as many as 65,000 unvettable Syrian asylum-seekers to this country.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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