Brazil’s Reichstag fire

Brazil is Latin America’s largest country and a strategic prize for the region’s Marxists and their sponsors in Beijing. So, restoring the Communists’ leader, Lula da Silva, to its presidency was a top priority, one accomplished in elections last year many Brazilians believe were fraudulently decided.
For some 70 days, millions of Lula’s opponents turned out peacefully in cities across the country urging the military to intervene pursuant to its constitutional duty in the event elections were deemed to have been stolen.
The armed forces did not act. And, after Lula took office on January 1st, key government buildings in Brasilia were attacked, apparently by a combination of leftist provocateurs and supporters of former President Jair Bolsanaro, who has denounced those responsible.
Like Hitler’s Reichstag fire, count on the Marxists to use this pretext to suppress their opponents – and freedom.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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