The U.S.-Japan Bilateral Alliance
By Eric Sayers. Mr. Sayers is a graduate student in political science at the University of Western Ontario, and is an...
China’s double-standard on debt
Communist China has done it again. Desperate for new sources of energy, the Chinese are moving into an oil-rich...
Chinese weapons killing US troops
What a difference a war makes. Before 9/11, the Bush Administration treated China – correctly – as a "strategic competitor,"...
The Bering Strait Tunnel Project
What do Russian President Vladimir Putin, spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, political activist Lyndon LaRouche and former U.S. Secretary of...
North Korea deal stumbles. Surprised?
When the U.S. inked a nuclear deal last month with Kim Jong-Il's regime in Pyongyang, many critics and strategists were...
China’s developing environmental crisis
China's pollution problems cost it billions every year, but doubts remain about whether the leadership can muster the will to anything about...
2007: A Chinese space odyssey
Reports last month that China had successfully tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon against one of its own antiquated weather satellites...
Nuclear nonsense in North Korea
By getting back on the nuclear merry-go-round with North Korea, the U.S. has given Kim Jong-Il plenty to smile about....
Beijing strangles the internet
By Fred Stakelbeck The internet has become an important part of Chinese culture, with the country's increasingly diverse population embracing...
Christians under Attack in China
by Fred Stakelbeck Worshippers at a Catholic Church in Xinghe, ChinaWith the 2008 Beijing Olympics quickly approaching, Beijings communist leadership...
Why North Korea’s nukes?
The ongoing nuclear goings-on in North Korean have been greeted with a mixture of incredulity, outrage, confusion, and even downright...
Postcards from Saigon
By Caroline B. Glick (Jerusalem): Apropos of nothing, Wednesday night Channel 2 news broadcast a jihadi snuff film. The video,...
Divest North Korea
Decision Brief No. 06-D 54 2006-10-23 (Washington, D.C.): North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il has reportedly told Chinese interlocutors that...
China looks to the Middle East
By Frederick W. Stakelbeck In late July, Qiushi , a state-controlled publication and recognized mouthpiece of the ruling Chinese communist...
The battle for India
By Robert T. McLean With the conflicts and disorder of the Middle East consuming the attention of much of the...