Revised Pentagon Guidelines on UAVs a Needed Adjustment
The Washington Times is reporting that the Pentagon has issued revised guidelines on avoiding civilian casualties during unmanned aerial vehicle...
The Washington Times is reporting that the Pentagon has issued revised guidelines on avoiding civilian casualties during unmanned aerial vehicle...
With Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Jim Hanson, Diana West, Patrick Christy CONGRESSMAN JIM BRIDENSTINE of Oklahoma talks about where sequestration will...
Recently, Iran became one of eight vice-chairs of the UN Disarmament Commission. Claudia Rosett of Foundation for Defense of Democracies,...
A Kuwaiti newspaper says Team Obama is trying to follow its recent agreement with Iran with a presidential visit there....
The Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Mike Rogers (AL-3) joined Secure Freedom Radio host Frank Gaffney last...
With Gordon Chang GORDON CHANG, expert contributor to Fox News and World Affairs Journal, joins Frank Gaffney for a full...
The latest manifestation of Barack Obama’s serial national security fraud is on display at the moment in East Asia. For...
The surprise Nov. 23 agreement reached in Geneva with Iran does little to limit the Islamic republic’s ability to enrich...
Excerpted transcript from 11/27/13 Secure Freedom Radio interview with Congressman Mike Rogers (AL-3). The full interview can be listened to...
Wars often begin when one nation calculates that another is so weak, or so isolated, that aggression can be successfully...
With Rep. Mike Rogers, Michael Hirsch, Andy McCarthy, Michaela Dodge CONGRESSMAN MIKE ROGERS, Representative of the third district of Alabama...
A “race to get an agreement” led the Obama administration to believe that “it was more important to get an...
For some time now, it has been clear that President Obama has switched sides in the so-called “War on Terror.”...
With Peter Hoekstra, Reza Khalili, Gordon Chang, Roger Noriega Peter Hoekstra, former Congressman from Michigan and Chairman of the House...
Frank Gaffney appeared on CNN to discuss the White House's latest agreement to allow Iran to maintain its nuclear weapons...
The president who promised us that his health care legislation would allow us to keep our insurance plans and doctors...