Despite Warnings Nuclear Negotiations Push Forward With Iran
With Admiral Ace Lyons, Jim Hanson, Bill Gertz, Claudia Rosett Admiral ACE LYONS, former Pacific Fleet Commander, shares his thoughts...
Sen. Vitter: Reid is Getting Rid of Bipartisanship
Even before news that the Senate’s Democratic majority had decided to “go nuclear” and disallow filibusters for some judicial nominees,...
Obama is No JFK
Fifty years ago today, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. This anniversary affords both an opportunity to reflect on...
Understanding the National Defense Authorization Act
With Senator David Vitter, Gal Luft, Elaine Donnelly, Diana West SENATOR DAVID VITTER, of Louisiana and the Senate Armed Service...
The Afghanistan Deal
There’s good news and bad news about the deal the Obama administration struck with Afghanistan. The good news: The United...
The Future Of Our Military Readiness
With Andy McCarthy, Peter Huessy, Congressman Mike Pompeo, Congressman Rob Wittman ANDY MCCARTHY, of the National Review Online, examines some...
Obama on National Security: Serial Fraud
For immediate release | For more information, contact Alex Van Ness (202) 835-9077 or [email protected] WASHINGTON, DC-- Today the Center...
American Betrayal 2.0
Franklin Delano Roosevelt should have described November 16, 1933 as a day that will live in infamy. As syndicated columnist...
To Defeat Our Enemy We Must Understand Our Enemy
With Byron Dorgan, Kirk Lippold, Alana Goodman, Diana West BYRON DORGAN, former United States Senator from North Dakota, discusses the...
American Leverage Decreasing As Iran Pushes Uranium Enrichment Further
With Paul Vallely, Bing West, Gordon Chang, Hank Cooper PAUL VALLELY, retired U.S. Army Major General, discusses the impact of...
Obama’s Veterans Day Gambit
Veterans Day should be a moment for solemn reflection and heartfelt thanks. Of course, that means we all should express...
Ben Lerner: UAVs and the Use of Force Abroad
Ben Lerner, Vice President for Government Relations, Center for Security Policy spoke to the Center for Security Policy’s National Security...
Can The U.S. Defend Against Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Weapons?
With Rep. Trent Franks, Bruce Bechtol, Cully Stimson, Bill Gertz CONGRESSMAN TRENT FRANKS, of Arizona's 8th Congressional District, explains his...
A World Not Rid of Nukes
Barack Obama is determined to “rid the world of nuclear weapons.” But how’s that working out? In fact, we face...
The Worst Has Yet to Come: Edward Snowden Damages U.S. National Security
With Peter Hoekstra, Charlotte Florance, Kiron Skinner, Andy McCarthy PETER HOEKSTRA, former Michigan Congressman and Chairman of the House Intelligence...