(Washington, D.C.): If anyone had lingering doubts about whether Strobe Talbott's judgment was sufficiently flawed to disqualify him for the...
(Washington, D.C.): If anyone had lingering doubts about whether Strobe Talbott's judgment was sufficiently flawed to disqualify him for the...
(Washington, D.C.): Truth really is sometimes stranger than fiction. After all, it is hard to imagine a more unlikely time...
(Washington, D.C.): Articles in today's New York Times and Washington Post report that Secretary of State Warren Christopher is prepared...
Has a conflict evolved into peace when fighting between the opposing armies has ceased? In one sense, yes; but a...
The Clinton Administration evidently has become so enthralled with the Palestine Liberation Organization that it is determined to make this...
The agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization formalized at a White House ceremony today amounts to a phenomenon...
On 23 August 1993, a top Justice Department official -- Attorney General Janet Reno's special assistant, John Hogan -- told...
(Washington, D.C.): With the resumption of open hostilities between Arab terrorist organizations operating from Syrian-controlled Lebanon and Israeli security forces,...
(Washington, D.C.): President Clinton is to be commended for his decision to strike Iraq in retaliation for Saddam Hussein's aborted...
Among the many distressing aspects of what passes for Bill Clinton's foreign policy -- from the abdication of leadership concerning...
This was a red letter week for "international outlaws" and rogue nations bent on illegally acquiring weapons of mass destruction,...
One of the most important news stories in the past week - properly given front-page, "above-the-fold" treatment by The Washington...
If nothing else, the renewed outbreak of hostilities with Saddam Hussein's Iraq is an important reminder of the volatility of...
(Washington, D.C.): For the second time in as many years, U.S. and coalition forces in the Persian Gulf have been...
(Washington, D.C.): Iran's recent, controversial deal to buy three advanced diesel submarines from Russia is but the latest evidence of...
(Washington, D.C.): Bush Administration officials attempting to manage the unravelling Iraqgate cover-up evidently are taking their cue from the Titanic's...